The potential of the EIT KIC Urban Mobility programme to support the Hydrogen Valley in the Region of Emilia-Romagna

Press release of AESS

17 July 2024, 9am – 12:30am | Galleria Europa, Piazza Grande 17, Modena

Green hydrogen is one of the areas of innovation recognised by the Region of Emilia-Romagna, as demonstrated by the PNRR funding of the Modenese Hydrogen Valley: a pioneering project for the development of renewable hydrogen to foster the energy transition in Italy and contribute to the decarbonisation of Emilia-Romagna. The key player in the Modena Hydrogen Valley will be IdrogeMO, a project by the Hera Group and Snam to build a district capable of producing up to 400 tonnes of renewable hydrogen per year, with the possibility of future expansion to increase production.

In Modena, the first concrete steps towards the creation of a hydrogen supply chain overlapped with the launch of three innovative projects that combine research and innovation to shape the design of hydrogen technology. The three ongoing projects – H2GO, H2 Cargo Bike and H2 Dispenser – are funded by EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative promoted by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), whose budget is dedicated to supporting Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs): European partnerships are set up between companies, research institutes, universities and businesses, pursuing a strategic agenda in specific fields of science and technology.

The research and testing of H2GO, H2 Cargo Bike and H2 Dispenser is carried out by consortia of highly specialised Italian and European partners. Among them is the Agency for Energy and Sustainable Development, coordinator of the three projects: with the contribution of Claudia Carani and Francesco Guaraldi (AESS), the Agency will have the opportunity to present the progress of the three projects at the Europa Gallery on 17 July.

The meeting will be enriched by contributions from Roberto Bolondi (Environment, Mobility, Economic Activities Sector – Municipality of Modena), Claudia Romano and Emanuele Moretti (Emilia-Romagna Region), Riccardo Roat (TPER) and Enrico Pieraccini (HERA) and Andrea Costa and Itzel Obregon (EIT Urban Mobility KIC).

After an introduction by Roberto Bolondi on the transport situation in the city of Modena and the current projects in the field of cycle logistics and testing solutions within CCAM, the two delegates from the EIT Urban Mobility KIC will present the funding opportunities offered by the Innovation Target Call and Rapid Application for Transport (RAPTOR).

Claudia Romano and Emanuele Moretti (Emilia-Romagna Region) will address the issue of strategic measures for the development of hydrogen production technologies and the generation of hydrogen demand, as provided for in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), and their concrete application in the renewal of the local public transport.

Afterwards, Riccardo Roat (TPER) and Enrico Pieraccini (HERA) will report on the current progress of their projects (the introduction of hydrogen buses and the construction of a hydrogen production and refuelling station, respectively).

At the end of the meeting, a panel discussion will bring together the above-mentioned speakers and representatives from universities, GREEN and MECH clusters and local stakeholders, invited to discuss the funding opportunities offered by the EIT and to present project proposals for hydrogen research and development.